
Tips to stay hydrated during

Source: egyptindependent.com www.

Throughout the days of Ramadan, thirst has undoubtedly become one’s constant friend. But there are a few simple tips and tricks that can prevent dehydration.

These techniques won’t replace the need to drink water because staying hydrated is best achieved by consuming enough amounts of fluids. Yet, they will assist you in consuming fewer fluids between the last Sahur drink and the first Iftar sip.

Drink water: Make sure you hydrate yourself throughout the night in order to be ready for your fasting day. Throughout the evening, have a bottle of water nearby and make an effort to consume a cup or two at least once an hour. One easy method to remember to drink water is to identify it with a typical, daily deed. Numerous health websites advise drinking when your phone rings.

Fashion matters: When choosing your daytime attire during Ramadan, tread cautiously. Your ability to regulate your body temperature depends on the color of your shirt, the material of your trousers, and the number of layers you wear. If you work indoors, choose a light-colored shirt; if you spend the majority of your day outdoors, a darker hue will assist shield you from the sun’s rays. But black is not recommended because it tends to draw heat and keep it near to your body.

Take a cold bath:

During the month of Ramadan, taking a cold shower might help you rehydrate in a variety of ways. After a few days of fasting, feeling thirsty becomes a normal sensation. Try to pay attention to other, more evident indications of dehydration, such as chapped lips, flushed cheeks, weariness, elevated body temperature, rapid

respiration, and difficult breathing. If you experience any of these signs, you should make every effort to bring your body temperature down. Put the back of your head under a direct stream of cool water for five to ten minutes.






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