
My daily routine

By Rabi’at Abdullahi Baba Rabi’at is of Angaza Nursery And Primary School, Kano State

After I wake up in the morning, I greet ABBA and Mamma. I shower and brush my teeth, get dressed by my mother then say my Subhi prayer. After that, I eat my breakfast and go to school early. I concentrate on my studies at school by listening to my teachers, copying notes, and later doing my homework. I am the class monitor and my duty is to distribute books after marking and writing the names of noise makers in the class.

During Break time, I have my lunch at the school compound with my friends. When it’s closing time, my uncle Mahmud comes to pick me up from school.

Around 2:00 pm I say my Zuhr Prayer and rest for 1 hour. I go to Islamiyya around 3:00 p.m. to learn Islamic education. We say Asr prayer in the school and recite Quran for 1 hour in the school and we are being taught Sirah ( history) and Fiqhu , and the school closes by 6:00 pm.

When I come back home, I do ablution and prepare for Maghrib prayer. After my Maghrib prayer, I do my homework, and my mother checks and guides me while doing it.

Before going to bed, I drink my daily medicine ( folic acid, penicillin, and palandrin) because I have sickle cell anaemia. I recite sura tulip milk and do my night azkar daily, also sleep early to wake up on time.

Advice to my mates and friends

Greet your parents in the morning before going out because they are your heroes.

Always go to bed early so that you will wake up early.

Listen to teachers while lesson is going on.

Copy homework and make sure you do it by yourself.

Have a shower daily because it brings more energy to our body.

Brush your teeth in the morning and night to prevent mouth odour.

Always thank and appreciate your parents because they sacrifice their time and energy in giving you care and love.

Follow the rules and regulations of your school.

Always tell the truth and not lie.

Do not make noise or play in the class. your the






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